Vita and Ryan’s 470 campaign - June update

Feeling out the conditions for the 2024 Olympic venue!
Full steam ahead! Ramping up the tempo this month in the wind up to our major regattas of the year - Worlds and Europeans. Our training has been based out of Marseille - the Olympic venue for the sailing in 2024. It has been so awesome to get time training and racing in Marseille, learning what its all about as well as experiencing the different conditions that the venue produces. It feels incredible to actually be training on the Olympic waters - it all seems so close now; our selection trails being less than a year away! This is a bit of a milestone in our campaign - spending time in the Olympic venue is a critical step in any campaign, it’s quite unbelievable to think we’ve made it this far! It was a moment to look back at how far we’ve come since teaming up back in 2019; when Marseille seemed like a lifetime away; but we’re actually here now - training for the actual Olympic games! Absolutely mental to think we could be racing here in 2 years time. Arriving here for the first time brought a strange mixture of nerves and motivation - we just want to go go go. We split the month into 2 blocks; the first was coaches regattas and the second was purely speed focused. We will spend July doing much of the same - continuing to get as much as possible out of these Marseille camps and soak up venue knowledge. The British Sailing Team have a great set up in Marseille - we have team Villas all set up with gyms, storage containers, workshops etc. It’s a great vibe down there and fully optimised for productive training.
Very big news - our brand new Ziegelmayer has just arrived!!! Very generously sponsored by Neil McGrigor. She’s all tucked up in the boat shed for now; getting all set up ready to go for the Worlds in October. We will be launching here later next month for a short test run in Lymington. She will be shipped in container to Israel at the end of August. We cannot wait to race this beauty of a boat!
Upcoming events ...
Olympic test event - The Hague, 10-21 August
Europeans - Turkey, 10-18 September
Worlds - Israel, 21-29 October All our events and event websites are linked on our website:
WEBSITE: This year we will be doing update videos that will be posted on the highlights page of our website each month so you can see what we’re getting up to. Marseille video edit is up! Please please share this with anyone who you think might be interested; they have the chance to help our team go to the Olympic Games! We need the funds now more that ever to get that jump over our competition. We are immensely grateful to everyone who has been supporting us, you support and encouragement means a lot to us and gives the confidence to keep fighting! Not long now until our Olympic trials! As always, any contribution to travel, accommodation, entry costs (etc) will be massively appreciated and will go along way! If you want to help us out on our journey to Paris 2024 or want to chat, then please give us a call! Vita – 07586349225 Email – For some gnarly pics and updates on our progress, check out: Facebook – RyVita sailing Instagram – RyVita470sailing